Bangladeshi Time

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Travel : Srimongol

Srimongol, Sylhet, the tea capital in Bangladesh is one of the places in and around the valley of Sylhet which the travelers coming from different parts of the world like to visit. The long stretch of green that is going to greet to you as far as you look gives a soothing feeling that is hard to forget. The lush green mountains covered with rich tea-plantation are a relief from the concrete jungle that we get to see in the cities. Srimongol, Sylhet famous for its tea-gardens is visited by travelers form all over the world as you rarely get to see such a beautiful sight. The velvet carpet of the tea-plants enhances the beauty of Srimongol in Sylhet. The travelers can also take a look at how tea is processed at the Tea Research Institute. A huge quantity of tea is produced by Bangladesh and also exported to different parts of the world. Srimongol is all the more well-known as most of the tea-estates that you get to hear about in Bangladesh lies here as a result of which it has earned the epithet of 'The Land of 2 Leaves and a Bud'.

Srimongol Tea Garden

Srimongol Tea Garden
Srimongol Tea Garden

Lawarachar Forest Giude
Srimongol Lake

Monday, July 13, 2009

Travel Jaflong a short visit

Stones at Jaflong, Sylhet

A Boat

Video Clip at Jaflong

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Travel Himchari

Sea-view from top of Himchari

Sea-view from top of Himchari

Sea-view from top of Himchari

Travel St. Martin

Travel : Thailand

Pattaya Beach

Pattaya Sea beach

Pattaya Town

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Travel Malaysia

Welcome To MalaysiaTo know malaysia is to love Malaysia, A bubbling, bustling melting pot of races and religions where malays, indians, Chinese and many othes ethnic groups live together in peace and harmony.Multiculturalism has not only made Malaysia a gastronomical paradise, it has also made Malaysia home to hundreds of colourful festivals. It's no wonder that we love celebrating and socialising. As a people, Malaysians are very laid back, warm and friendly.Geographically, Malaysia is as diverse as its culture. There are two parts to the country, 11 states in the peninsula of Malaysia and two states on the northern part of Borneo. Cool hideaways are found in the highlands that roll down to warm, sandy beaches and rich, humid mangroves.One of Malaysia's key attractions is its extreme contrasts. Towering skyscrapers look down upon wooden houses built on stilts, and five-star hotels sit several metres away from ancient reefs.For the perfect holiday full of surprises, eclectic cultures and natural wonders, the time is now, the place is Malaysia.

Patronus Twin Tower

Indefence Square

Indefence Square

Indefence Square

A Malaysian King House

Twin Tower: Night View

Central Mosque, Malaysia

Independance Square